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Bike rental in Le Locle

You can rent a Donkey Bike for longer than just a single ride.

You can rent a Donkey Bike for longer than just a single ride.

How it works

Find your bike in the app

Find your bike in the app

Open the Donkey Republic app to see pick-up locations, and rent it with your phone

Get the app

Rent a bike in Le Locle

Explore Le Locle by bike

Rent a bike to discover the City of Le Locle, Mother of the Mountains, cradle of the Neuchâtel Revolution and registered city, with La Chaux-de-Fonds, to the Unesco World Heritage Organisation. Discover the historic center, the monumental Town Hall or even the famous Underground Mills of Col-des-Roches. Our city is surrounded by nature and has three museums, several theaters and many sports facilities.

A bike for your leisure activities or to go to work!

For your business trips or your leisure activities, our bikes are at your disposal in the different stations of the City. Cycling promotes good health and reduces stress. In many cases, over short distances, it takes less time than by car.

Our friends

LeLocleroule is the operations partner with Donkey Republic in Le Locle. You can register on the app. The municipal urbanism department is available for more information. The yearly Donkey Republic Le Locle membership gives you free access to the bikes in Le Locle but also in Neuchâtel and Geneva and many European cities.

Download the app to rent a bike today

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