E-bikes have arrived in the Donkey Republic fleet


E-bikes in Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Berlin
After a successful e-bike pilot throughout the summer in Berlin, we’re introducing e-bikes in Copenhagen, Rotterdam while expanding our existing fleet in Berlin. With our new, electric vehicle we are hoping to make far-flung trips a possibility for you.

That’s cool, but what is an e-bike?
E-bikes have both a motor and a rechargeable battery to provide you with additional power when you pedal. In addition to that, our Donkey e-bikes have 7 gears to make the riding experience more comfortable for you. The maximum speed on our Donkey e-bikes is 20 km/h, that’s faster than the morning traffic in and around the city. 


With the new fleet of shared Donkey Republic e-bikes, we had three main goals:

Offer another car-free transport option
These electric bikes are great for people who are travelling longer distances as well as more comfortable for non-regular bike riders. We are placing our new fleet of e-bikes close to key train stations. With this, our aim is to serve those that are willing to switch to a more modern way of commuting by using the combination of a train and a bike or e-bike.


Create easy and affordable access to electric bikes
E-bikes are quite costly. Now you can enjoy the benefits of getting around with an electric vehicle without the investing in your own. We kept our pricing very affordable, starting from 25DKK/15mins.


Design a sustainable e-bike and operation

All e-bikes are built with individual components. This way our mechanics are able to fix or replace separate parts, keeping waste to a minimum. Currently batteries will be collected and distributed by staff on cargo e-bikes and will be charged with green energy in fire-safe cabinets.

Donkey Republic has also developed flexible technology to help manage the fleet; the maximum speed of each e-bike can be customised to ensure the safety of local riders and battery level can also be monitored to determine which batteries need to be replaced. 


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