Bike rental in Berlijn

You can rent a Donkey Bike for longer than just a single ride.

You can rent a Donkey Bike for longer than just a single ride.

How it works

Find your bike in the app

Find your bike in the app

Open the Donkey Republic app to see pick-up locations, and rent it with your phone

Get the app
Unlock with your phone

Unlock with your phone

Connect to the lock via Bluetooth to lock and unlock your Donkey whenever you make a stop

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Ride and keep the bike

Ride and keep the bike

Short or long rentals. Lock and unlock your bike as much as you like

Get the app
Drop-off the bike without hassle

Drop-off the bike without hassle

When you are done riding, bring the Donkey to an available drop-off location and end your rental in the app

Get the app

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